Unique Opportunities in Your Area: Keep Your Ear to the Ground!
As tourism swings back into action and covid restrictions ease, there are many counties, communities and even small neighborhoods looking for unique ways to draw tourists for their first post-covid vacations. From unique dining experiences to draw the Staycationers to full tours of numerous local attractions, there is no better time than the present to keep up to date with the goings on in your local area. Checking with nearby counties and neighborhoods can get your

hospitality brand in on a unique opportunity to be the hospitality representative for the event. Be the place the happy guests come to stay the night after enjoying a beautiful day outdoors.
But there’s another opportunity, and this one can be extra helpful if you’re not the only hotel catering to the event—the goody bag. A large draw for tourists who preregister for events such as these, the goody bag is largely filled with sponsored products from the businesses involved, and includes treats, coupons, and small conveniences. Get your business relationship started before the customers even walk through your door by getting your brand front and center; even on the bag itself! There are few things that can send as a quick a smile from your brand than you welcoming your next customers to town from the moment they step out of the car.
Get ready for your biggest local impact with a free quote for the right promotional items to present you!